Do you love the vibrant color of flowers? Why not? Then Chrysanthemum, is of your choice. It is a beautiful flower with different colors, and the common name of flos is the chrysanthemum.
The flower chrysanthemums are a perennial herb that is ornamental and grows in different cultivable varieties with colors. However, the chrysanthemum’s meaning symbolizes happiness, gift giving, and life-cycle. However, what about mums? Yes, the mums, and chrysanthemums are the same blooming fall season flower. So, no confusion!
Let’s explore more other info about this beautiful flower, Chrysanthemum VS. mums Flowering. You can call it anything.
What makes Chrysanthemum special?
Mums are famous for being the cut flowers in the world. Cut flowers are usually those with vibrant colors, well-arranged Patel shapes, and have a diameter of about 7-12 cm. More than a thousand varieties of chrysanthemums are all around the world.
It makes the garden look more beautiful and neat. It is a Chinese flower with a history of cultivation and hybridization for 3000 years. Once you decide to make your garden more colorful, choose chrysanthemums; you can never be disappointed.
Okay, not only for aesthetic garden purposes, the Chinese even discovered its use as medicine, drinking tea, and many more. The extract of the chrysanthemum flower can be medicine for dizziness and headache. Chrysanthemum Indicum flower has a strong aroma, and many previous studies focused on the essential oil of this plant, found in a medicinal journal of Zhejiang University Tea Research Institute. Then, one enjoys the extract as tea. In many ceremonies in china, they use it as a special drink. Also found in the studies is that The Chrysanthemum Indicum flower is an excellent source of plant material to make an extract for functional food or beverage additive.
However, the mums have this chrysanthemum name given after an ancient Chinese city name, chrysanthemum. Later on, it became famous in Japan too. So, the chrysanthemum is a South Asian hardy, vibrant flower with many good vibes and colors. Mums are flowers with so many goodies.
Chrysanthemum Vs. Mums Flowering in the USA

Moving on to the USA from South Asia, the chrysanthemum became a regular and most-wanted garden flower. The reasons behind being a popular flower in the USA is because,
- Chrysanthemums are easy to plant and maintain.
- You can plant your chrysanthemums by cutting or drafting even tissue culture.
- Another thing- this is a potting flower or ground flower for garden beds. Mum’s bloom can happen anywhere.
- As we all know, the USA is a temperate region and has freezing cold weather and snow, but the chrysanthemums still give their shine! The colors become more illuminating in the cold weather.
- Moreover, it has late blooming. That means you can see this colorful nature from August to November. So, a dominant and beloved flower in the USA.
Chrysanthemums, a wide use flower for any potluck decoration, garden bloom, or at last funeral.
Growing chrysanthemums VS mums as a potted flower
Well, no worries if you don’t have any flower bed garden to plan for your mums. The chrysanthemums can grow even in a pot. You can easily hang them up on your balcony or place them nicely and accordingly in your suitable place. So, what do you need?
First and foremost, you need a garden mum to plant seeds or cuttings. A garden mum is also known as a hard mum. A garden mum is also known as a hard mum. You need soil that can be a bit acidic or base. Being a short-day plant; that requires less light, you can even place it under shade or in gloomy spots. Hence, the gloominess cannot lessen the blooms.
To grow chrysanthemums in the pot, you require a 10 -12 inches size pot and fertile soil. However, you should pluck out the sides of the plant. It will help to grow your plant more beautifully. You can use liquid fertilizer in the garden mums but after the flower buds start to appear, stop spraying liquid fertilizers. If you are growing the regular mums in an open space, you can maintain a spacing of at least 30 cm between the plants. You are ready to plant your mums with other fall flowers and let your garden bloom like ever.
Types of Chrysanthemums in Different season
Well, this flower has a variety to mesmerize you with color, shape, and size. But, you choose your mum up to the season you are planting for or your color preference.
- Irregular incurve/droop shape chrysanthemum:
- Spider chrysanthemum
- Spoon chrysanthemum
- Single chrysanthemum/ Fuji mums
- Pompom mum
- Reflex mum
- Decorative mums
- Brush mums
- Exotic mums
- Regular droop shaped chrysanthemum
- And other categories
- Cushion chrysanthemums
When do these mums bloom? Initially, chrysanthemums VS mums can grow in the mid-season, in October, requiring full sun above them. Though they need full sun, all the categories can grow in partial shade or full sun. Among the above chrysanthemums VS mums, the irregular, regular droop and reflex are 4-8 inches in diameter. The decorative mums and single mums are between 2-4 inches. Light pink, vibrant orange, yellow, red, and other beautiful shades of color are available in chrysanthemums for you.
Growing care for Garden mums
Chrysanthemums VS Dahlia? Chrysanthemums belong to the dahlia family, and it includes sunflowers, zinnias, and daisies as well. Let’s move on to its growing care. Get your chrysanthemum from a regular garden center. Then place it n proper-drained soil either in a pot or in the open place and give water regularly. You are ready to get blooms. Chrysanthemums have a lot of flowers per plant.
In some locations of the USA, mums can grow only for once, that is in the fall season. But in some places like California, it arrives twice. One arrival is in late spring, and once before the fall season. It is the most underrated flower you can grow in your home or as a florist, and mums give abundant bloom. Things you should do more often in your chrysanthemum garden are given below:
Pruning is necessary to grow more blooms. How does this help? You will chop up extra dried leaves and flowers so that your chrysanthemum VS mums can get optimum sun love and buds are ready to bloom.
Disease control
Well, it can be a good thing to notice. We all are worried about fungi or other diseases in our garden. But chrysanthemums are self-protectors. They secrete a chemical compound name Pyrethrins. Now, this is a natural pesticide.
Chrysanthemums are good to go in the garden for the disease attack. Or if you find any disease, spray some Neem oil as a home ready, and it will help you anyway.
Organizing the plant
You need to tie the plant with some rope. Or, support them with bamboo sticks. Because once the plant vigorously grows and blooming happens, it becomes messy. But when you organize them, they look just like a natural flower bouquet from the ground.
Propagation by Roots split
However, when you have one or two years of blooming- you can re-pot your chrysanthemums. How come? You can separate the roots and make them shorter. Then place the separated inception into different pots, and give compost for nutrients. Now, in this potting mixture is necessary.
Cutting is a very famous method for mums. You can have cuttings from the mother growing plants and place them in a potting mix with sufficient water
Hardiness zone
Well, garden mums are also known as hard mums. Usually, you can find your USDA plant hardiness zone between zone 5-9 for the highest chrysanthemums growths. Zone 5 has a temperature of about minus 10 to minus 20 degrees F. And Zone-9 has a temperature below 0 degrees C; it has two subzones also. So, the USDA zone information is vital for you to plant your beautiful chrysanthemums VS mum.
Let’s look at some often asked question regarding this colorful garden mums:
Is there any difference between regular mum and garden mum?
The regular mums are the droop, ball-shaped mums. And the hard mums are usually the cushion mums that have a bush-type appearance. So, hard and regular mums are all the chrysanthemum VS mum perennial types. But have a difference in the Patel arrangement.
Why are chrysanthemums called mums?
Mums are the short form of chrysanthemums. Though chrysanthemums that are hard are perennial, some mums are annual also. So, mums are just the nickname of the chrysanthemums.
Are there two kinds of mums?
As I said earlier, there are more than forty varieties of chrysanthemums. Under the garden and hard mum category, all forty types occur. So, garden mums, or hard mums, can be of many kinds and varieties with different Patel patterns and shapes.
Is there any difference between daisy and chrysanthemum?
Well, chrysanthemums are daisy-like flowers. So, chrysanthemum VS daisy can arrive due to the plant patterns. The daisy and chrysanthemums have different-looking plants and Patel. Moreover, both flower type has different genus. So, daisies and chrysanthemums are not the same.
How many flowers can I get in on the Chrysanthemum plant?
One plant can arrive at 2-3 feet in height and bloom up to 20 flowers or even more. But the flowering depends on the types of mums you are planting and your growing care routine. But in general, it is a fast and easy-going winter bloom.
Well, the Chrysanthemum VS. Mums Flowering is a trendy concept. Mums are the nickname for chrysanthemums. So, your garden mum can give your fall garden a colorful festive look with all the shades of color.
Moreover, the mums are famous for easy growing, and many horticulturists love this flower species for crossing. That gives more types of mums. Chrysanthemums are the edge of flower colors. So, prepare your chrysanthemum flower roots for the upcoming winter.